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Baja Day 5, Mulege

September 5, 2014

Gimme shelter

Gimme shelter

...because it looked like a town that wanted to be explored. However, Day 5 turned out to be a rainy one. Since Mulege is located right off the Sea of Cortez, the town had to deal with floods in the past. A recent flood brought nine feet of rain, basically drowned everything under water.

3am...flood watch

3am...flood watch

Today was actually a flood warning issued, caused by Hurricane Norbert, which was still lingering on the west side of the Peninsula.

The bank

The bank

The coin laundry

The coin laundry

The fire house

A hand-me-down from Fresno

Here is where I bought my...

Here is where I bought my...

I started my day off with a black cup of coffee, and headed to a nearby bank to get a few Pesos. Across the bank, I spotted a coin Laundromat. Very convenient, I said to myself, I could wash a load. So to the hotel I went, grabbed my laundry, and returned to the older nice lady at the Laundromat. After buying a token for washer/dryer and some detergent, I placed the clothes in the machine, only to find out, that the thing didn't do it's thing. I brought this to the attention of the lady, thinking, I broke the machine. She looked at me with a blank stare. "No electricity", she says. Ah, ok, that makes sense now. She told me to come back later. She would do the laundry for me, as soon as the power comes back. When I returned a few hours later, my laundry was waiting for me. Viola!

The rest of the day was spend sitting in my room, writing trip reports. Eating chips and salsa, drinking a few Tecates.

Later in the evening, Felipe had spoken to the owner of our hotel, Xavier, and was told that we, including bikes and luggage, had to move to Xavier's house, which was on higher grounds. It's 2 am now, and so far this has not materialized.

I keep my fingers crossed that we don't have to move. It's still raining pretty damn strong out there...time for another beer.

Miles: 0

Hotel: 800 Pesos

Mood: Uncertain, but upbeat